Don’t want to get scammed into buying a counterfeit wedding dress online? Here are some points to note:
Wedding Inspirasi does not sell wedding dresses. We are not an online retailer.
Wedding dress images provided to us for editorial/advertorial use on and our official social media accounts are watermarked with a “featured on Wedding” logo, along with the designer’s or bridal company’s name. Beware of knockoff wedding dress websites that use images with our watermark. Wedding Inspirasi does not endorse such activities, and we may submit take down notices for such sites.
Love a gown you found on our site? The wedding dresses featured on this website can be purchased at the authorized dealers listed for each brand. The list of retailers can be found on the websites linked within each post. When in doubt, check with the official designer’s or bridal company’s website.
Beware of websites that offer dresses at a unbelievably low prices. Don’t get ripped off with a fake. If it looks too good to be true, it usually is.